Sunday, October 30, 2011

A year has come to an end.

I couldn't believe that my foundation years has finally come to an end. It has been a long year not mentioning a tough year too... But throughout the whole year it was so fun! Getting to know different races of people where back in Malaysia I didn't have that privilege as I was studying in an independent secondary school.. Although assignments, presentation and most of all exams are over, it still seems so sad that we all have to be apart after this year as everyone is going in their own direction, different places and different uni too.. Now it's time for me to go back to my hometown... :D The bad thing about going back there is I have to work for my dad for the whole holiday, which will be very very freakin torturing. How I wish my work was cleaning, cooking and not paperwork.... :'( I, too, show sympathy to my daddy's staffs because every time I did something wrong with the summon letters or fix up their files, they have to re-do everything again. That's why every time I walk into my dad's office, his staff will look like me like this -_-!! Hehehehe Well moving on to pictures!

Actually all my photos are mixed with the other last events of the course, you'll understand. :)

These are my graduation day photos, nothing fancy because it wasn't really a "Graduation day", just a day to go up and take of certificate of completion for the course.

τΖεγεαηG ❤

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